Other Projects​

Central European Network for Sustainable and Innovative Economy. CEEPUS Project no. CIII-PL-1605-01-2122


Applied Economics and Management. CEEPUS Project no. CIII-SK-0044-08-1314

Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) coordinating university: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) with the cooperation of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna (Austria), FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences in Graz (Austria), University of Zagreb (Croatia) University of Primorska (Slovenia), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), (role in the project: university coordinator of the participating unit)

International V4 Studies of Business Economics (Project no. VUSG-61200004)

Visegrad University Studies Grant project realized by the Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia ) with the cooperation of the Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic), South Bohemia University in Ceske Budejovice (Czech Republic), Karoly Robert College (Hungary), Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland), Cracow University of Economics (Poland), University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland) (role in the project: visiting lecturer)

Study Leaflet

Studies in Trans-Atlantic International Relations (STAIR)

The project undertaken by three universities: Cracow University of Economics (Poland), the University of Debrecen (Hungary) and Grand Valley State University (USA). The three universities set up a consortium which received an Atlantis project grant to launch trans-Atlantic studies leading to the awarding of Bachelor degree. This prestigious project is co-financed by the European Union and the US government. Main coordinator of the project: dr Piotr Stanek (role in the project: co-cordinator for research and teaching exchange)

Details are available at:

International Marketing: A Visegrad Perspective (Project no. VUSG-61100001)

Visegrad University Studies Grant No. 61100001 coordinating university: Slovak University of Agrculture in Nitra (Slovakia) (role in the project: visitng lecturer, co-author of the handbook)

Details are available at:

Central European Business. CEINET Project No. 1005-003.09

The project is financed by Central European Initiative (CE) and is designed to provide detailed knowledge necessary to start-up a company in different countries of Central Europe. (role in the project: joint programe co-coordinator and a course supervisor)

Details are available at:

The European Dimension of International Entrepreneurship.

Intensive Programme, Project no ERA/2009/IP/W/0029 educational project involving the creation of a new academic course „International Entrepreneurship from a European perspective,” conducted by the consortium of partner universities: Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Hochschule Heilbronn (Germany), Universitatae „Petru Maior” (Rumania), Cracow University of Economics (Poland), the main unit was coordinating Cracow University of Economics (role in the project: teaching module coordinator)

Details are available at:
Attached files:
Coordinators and Faculty Staff
Study Program

Researches Regarding the Harmonization of the Entrepreneurial Education of Romanian Universities to the European Union and Eastern European Universities (EDARO)

International Research and Education Project financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Romania, project coordinator: prof. dr Zsuzsanna Szabo, Petru Maior Univeristy of Targu-Mures – Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences (role in the project: participant, author of the partial study)

own contribution:
K. Wach, Entrepreneurship Education in Poland, a working paper presented at ICELM conference

Details are available at:

Projekt podstawy programowej podstaw przedsiębiorczości w zakresie rozszerzonym dla liceum ogólnokształcącego, liceum profilowanego i technikum.

Projektem powstał pod patronatem Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego i został złożony do Ministerstwa Edukacji Naukowej, kierownik projektu: dr Tomasz Rachwał (udział: współautorstwo projektu).

Minerva Project „Innovation through Collaboration” (iCOLL)

Międzynarodowy projekt edukacyjny realizowany w latach 2005-2007, finansowany przez Komisję Europejską w ramach projektu SOCRATES. Główny koordynator projektu European School of Business at Reutlingen University, Reutlingen – Niemcy. Projekt polegał na rozwiązywaniu rzeczywistych projektów konsultingowych dla sześciu międzynarodowych firm, a także na kursie opartym na zasadach e-learning -kurs poświęcony był tematyce innowacyjności (udział w projekcie: tutor)

Details are available at:

International Comparative Analysis of SMEs. CEEPUS Project no. H-0178-04/05

Międzynarodowy projekt edukacyjny w zakresie nauczania i badań poświęconych małym i średnim przedsiębiorstwom. Projekt finansowany w ramach programu Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS). Głównym koordynatorem projektu był Wydział Ekonomii Uniwersytetu w Miszkolcu na Węgrzech (udział w projekcie: koordynator uczelniany CEEPUS) (role in the project: university coordinator of the participating unit)


Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
Kolegium Ekonomii, Finansów i Prawa
Katedra Handlu Zagranicznego

Adres: Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków
Telefon: +48 12 293 5376, +48 12 293 5381
Faks: +48 12 293 5037
Biuro: Pawilon Ustronie, pokój 313
E-mail: wachk@uek.krakow.pl


Krakow University of Economics
College of Economics, Finance and Law
Department of International Trade

Address: Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, PL
Phone: +48 12 293 5376, +48 12 293 5381
Fax: +48 12 293 5037
Office: Building „Ustronie”, Room 313
E-mail: wachk@uek.krakow.pl